Hello! is this trujet! May I carry a mango in my Check IN luggage?

Well if the mangoes are too juicy and kept midst your favourite Blazer and kurti ...um..I guess you better not!! Check Luggage is a subject always alien to most of us , figuring out what we may and can carry feasibly. On an obvious note, we cannot carry any of these in our ANY luggage at any rate- - Weapons -Any material prohibited by law - Any item that may endanger the aircraft or a person But the question arise as in WHY MAY I NOT CARRY A DAMN MANGO!!! Here is the answer- Packing the wrong thing in your checked bag has the potential to ruin your trip—especially if that bag gets lost, broken, or roughed up by baggage handlers. A simple rule of thumb: Pack anything of value or importance in your carry-on bag, in case your luggage gets lost by the airline. But there's more to keep in mind. Let me list out 10 items to be Unchecked for Check IN - 1. Jewelry and valuables Although, there is a 0...